Spring 2016 Partners in Training Supported Events

Historic Preservation Education Foundation’s Partners in Training program supported several events in Spring 2016.

The Montana Preservation Alliance hosted a workshop entitled “The ABCs and 123s of Schoolhouse Preservation” on June 4 in Red Lodge, MT. Addressing the basics of preserving small, rural schoolhouses the event demonstrated how to document and assess conditions, determine when to work with professionals or tackle hands-on do-it-yourself fix-ups, and how to find funding and volunteers. A second workshop was held in Helena, MT in September.

The Galveston Historical Foundation’s “Approaching Water: A Symposium on Strategies for Adapting Historic Buildings to Coastal Flooding”was held on June 16-17. Using four case study historic houses in flood-prone areas, the symposium explored a variety of mitigation strategies including reinforcement, structural elevation, and flood-proofing.

Since 2014, HPEF’s Partners in Training program has provided support for thirteen initiatives that increase technical preservation training and education.

Lee H. Nelson Papers Presentation and Exhibition

Historic Preservation Education Foundation Intern Emily Vance presented a talk on the life and work of preservation pioneer Lee Nelson at the University of Oregon’s Special Collections and University Archives on February 26, 2014. Vance, a student at the University’s Historic Preservation Program, also opened an exhibition that she developed at the Knight Library featuring items from the Lee Nelson Papers. The presentation and exhibition extended Vance’s recently completed work on an annotated bibliography of the Lee Nelson collection held at the university’s archives. The detailed bibliography of Nelson’s papers will aid those interested in utilizing the collection and celebrate Nelson’s contribution to the field. The reception following Vance’s presentation and the ongoing exhibition are hosted by the Special Collections and University Archives at University of Oregon.

Throughout his long career as a National Park Service architect, Lee Nelson (1928-1994) helped nurture and shape the historic preservation movement in the United States. He was a co-founder of the Association for Preservation Technology International and led the investigation and documentation of Independence Hall and other historic sites. As Chief of the Technical Preservation Services in the National Park Service, Nelson established the Preservation Brief series and oversaw the publication of numerous other case studies and technical guidance. Lee Nelson’s papers, including historic structure reports, correspondence, published and unpublished research, pamphlets, articles, and images are held by the University of Oregon’s Special Collections & University Archives.

HPEF Co-Sponsors Craft Skills Development Summit

The building industry and historic preservation community have recognized a systemic shortage of well-educated, trained, and experienced persons working in traditional crafts. These labor and skill shortages can lead to contract delays, higher costs, and a serious diminution in the quality of work on historic structures.

To address these issues and to identify successful initiatives and partners, the Association for Preservation Technology International and the Preservation Trades Network invited a broad cross-section of educators, contractors, designers, and regulators to participate in a Craft Skills Development Summit on April 23, 2013, in Washington, DC. HPEF is pleased to have co-sponsored this event.

Delegates at the Preservation Craft Skills Summit. (Photo credit: © J. Bryan Blundell)

Delegates at the Preservation Craft Skills Summit. (Photo credit: © J. Bryan Blundell)

HPEF Co-Sponsors Workshop in Preserving Historic Religious Architecture

Churches and synagogues are among the most treasured landmarks in any community. They play invaluable roles in people’s spiritual lives as well as being places where social services and other programs of important community benefit take place. Nevertheless, the upkeep of these buildings presents numerous challenges. HPEF is pleased to co-sponsor a one-day workshop, Preserving Religious Properties: A Practical Workshop for Caretakers of Older Churches and Synagogues. The event was held on Saturday, April 13, 2013, at Grace Episcopal Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Attendees learned how to assess their building’s needs, get advice on moving forward with a preservation project, learn about approaches to funding, and network with others who can provide assistance and support.

For a brochure with additional information about the event, visit the workshop host website: Waterfront Historic Area LeaguE (WHALE).

12th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone

The 12th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone took place on 22-26 October 2012 in New York City. More than 300 conservationists, material scientists, and scholars from 30 different countries in North and South America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia attended. The Congress featured 168 poster presentations, 78 oral presentations, and 13 tours on topics including documentation, forms and mechanisms of deterioration, and materials and methods of conservation. Sixteen organizations and individuals supported the conference, along with primary sponsors Columbia University and HPEF.

A fund was established in honor of Norman Weiss’s thirty-five years of teaching in the Historic Preservation Program at Columbia University. From this fund, the conference awarded twenty-two scholarships to help students traveling to New York for the conference. The Netherland-America Foundation provided three additional scholarships for students from the Netherlands.

Norman Weiss with students who received a scholarship to attend the 12th Stone Conference

Norman Weiss with students who received a scholarship to attend the 12th Stone Conference