HPEF Co-Sponsors Craft Skills Development Summit

The building industry and historic preservation community have recognized a systemic shortage of well-educated, trained, and experienced persons working in traditional crafts. These labor and skill shortages can lead to contract delays, higher costs, and a serious diminution in the quality of work on historic structures.

To address these issues and to identify successful initiatives and partners, the Association for Preservation Technology International and the Preservation Trades Network invited a broad cross-section of educators, contractors, designers, and regulators to participate in a Craft Skills Development Summit on April 23, 2013, in Washington, DC. HPEF is pleased to have co-sponsored this event.

Delegates at the Preservation Craft Skills Summit. (Photo credit: © J. Bryan Blundell)

Delegates at the Preservation Craft Skills Summit. (Photo credit: © J. Bryan Blundell)