Tax Incentives Conference Series

More than $55 billion of successful rehabilitation activity has been undertaken in the federal historic tax credit program since its inception, with $4.7 billion in 2009 alone. Projects are increasingly complex both in terms of size and financing structure, and it is critical to have access to and operate with the most up-to-date information. Since 1999 HPEF has co-sponsored eight conferences on Tax Incentives for Developing Historic Properties in cities from Boston to Miami to San Francisco. Participants met with leaders in the field to examine cutting-edge issues in the historic development arena, including how the New Markets Tax Credits are bolstering the historic debt and equity markets and the most effective ways to obtain necessary governmental approvals.

In addition to HPEF, sponsors and co-sponsors included the National Park Service, the National Housing and Rehabilitation Association, and Bank of America.

Session speakers included officials from the National Park Service and the Internal Revenue Service as well as leading authorities in structuring, developing, and financing historic rehabilitation projects.