12th Stone Conference

Student Scholarships

A small fund was established in honor of Norman Weiss’s thirty-five years teaching in the Historic Preservation Program at Columbia University. From this fund, the conference awarded twenty-two scholarships at $500 each to help students travelling to New York for the conference. Additional funding was provided by the Netherland-America Foundation, resulting in three additional scholarships for $1,000 for students traveling from Holland.

Norman Weiss Education Fund Student Scholarship Winners
(those with asterisks also received additional support from the Netherland-America Foundation)

Samin Ahmad (England)
Jennifer Booth (England)
Sophie Briffa (Malta)
Thibault Demoulin (Switzerland)
Melanie Denecker (Belgium)
Julie Desarnaud* (Holland)
Tabitha Dreyfuss (Malta)
Giorgio Ferrari (Italy)
Justyna Hrabska (Poland)
Chrysi Kapridaki (Greece)
Iwona Michniewicz (Poland)
Silvia Minghelli (Italy)
Lisa Mol (England)
Matteo Nannini (Italy)
Leo Pel* (Holland)
Sarah Pinchin (England)
Luís Miguel Pinho da Silva (Spain)
Maria Joao Revez (Portugal)
Fulvia Saggese (Italy)
Simona Scrivano (Italy)
Victoria Shushakova (Germany)
Nicolas Verhulst* (Holland)
Wanja Wedekind (Germany)
Katrin Wilhelm (England)
Noreen Zaman (England)

Norman Weiss Education Fund Student Scholarship Sponsors

The Netherland-America Foundation
Cathedral Stone Products
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Nicholson and Galloway, Inc.
Jablonski Building Conservation
Walter Melvin Architects
A. Ottavino Corporation
David Wessel
George Wheeler
Conservation Solutions, Inc.
Old Structures Engineering, PC
Christina Wallace
Integrated Conservation Resources
Building Conservation Associates, Inc.